...to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ...
Ephesians 4:12
Life Groups
Life Groups meet throughout the week and are a smaller reflection of the larger congregation. We don’t tend to divide small groups based on peoples’ age, stage of life, or any other demographic. Rather, we love to see people from many different generations, occupations, and life stages all in the same small group. Joining a Life Group provides relationships and a great environment in which to use our gifts in organic ways. If you need help finding a Life Group that fits your schedule, reach out to Pastor Brett (Brett@hagerstownchurch.org)
Discipleship Groups
These are small groups of 3-5 people who meet together once a week for mutual encouragement and accountability. Participants are expected to read through a Bible reading plan and memorize Scripture. These groups are gender exclusive. If you need help finding a group, reach out to Pastor Brett (brett@hagerstownchurch.org).
Have questions? Our elders have created a FAQ document that you can check out here.
HC Institute
The HC Institute provides biblical classes designed to equip believers for life and ministry. Each class will aim to equip you with a greater understanding of the Scriptures so you can grow in your knowledge of, love for, and obedience to God.
Current classes
Membership Matters Workshop- This class is a prerequisite to membership with HC. The 3-session class meets on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sunday of each month. If you miss a week, you can come back around the next month and grab the session you need to complete the class.
Encountering the New Testament- 26 week class designed to guide participants through the overview, flow, and takeaways from each of the 27 NT books.
Night of Prayer- Every 3rd Sunday of the month at 7pm
Breakfasts- Every other month, you’re invited to a prayer breakfast in our fellowship hall. Join us for a guided time of prayer and a great breakfast, as we fellowship with one another! These gatherings begin at 8:30 am and generally go for about an hour.
Men- 2nd Saturday of odd months
Women- 2nd Saturday of even months
Resources, Books, and Devotionals
Click here for recommended additional resources!